​RTK Boundary Mapping

What is boundary mapping?

Boundaries have an important function in precision agriculture to define your field’s shape and area. The most basic use of boundaries is to inform a monitor and mapping software where your field is located and equally important – where your field is not located. Boundaries help coordinate on/off commands to clutches and sprayer valves, determine A-B lines, sort past and new data in management software and help measure area for input calculations.

What does the service include?

Our exclusive RTK Boundary Mapping Service includes accurately mapped exterior and interior boundaries, including waterways, driveways, etc., using our RTK Signal. For those with irrigation systems, we’ll accurately mark the pivots as well. We’ll also properly name each farm and field so Field Locator works properly. Boundaries created from coverage maps and hand drawn maps are not accurate and may cause issues in the field, so this offseason, choose Atlantic Tractor RTK Boundary mapping for your operation.

Why you should do it:

  • You’ll know the absolute farmable acres of your operation.
  • Possible reduction in crop insurance costs.
  • Simplified crop insurance reporting process
  • You’ll know the exact inputs needed for each field
    • Correct seed amount
    • Correct starter fertilizer amount
    • Correct application amount
  • Harvest yield can be validated
  • Field locator will work in GS3 display
  • Assist your agronomist with knowing your farms to make recommendations


$0.85 per acre, $450 minimum charge