If you have a decent amount of land to maintain, a lawn tractor or a zero-turn mower will be a helpful resource. Both can handle larger grass cutting projects and offer impressive productivity. The right choice for you depends on factors such as your yard size and budget.

We've created the following guide to help make your decision easier. If you want tailored advice or want to shop lawn tractors and zero-turn mowers for sale, contact Atlantic Tractor. Our dealerships are based in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware.

About Lawn Tractors

Lawn tractors are a type of riding mowers - with some extra power! They look similar to a farm tractor and perform to a comparable level. But they maintain the simple design and easy handling of a typical mower. Enjoy the best of both worlds in terms of durability, user experience, and performance.

Lawn tractors also tend to be more affordable compared to zero-turn mowers. They are built out of less complicated parts and have a more streamlined design, which keeps the sticker price lower. Lawn tractors can be a great option for personal and professional usage.

About Zero-Turn Mowers

Zero-turn mowers are often considered the best of the best for personal and professional use. These mowers offer exceptional performance thanks to their turning radius of nearly zero. When you reach the end of a section, simply turn and mow right next to the line you just tackled. No more making several point turns or going back over areas you already covered!

The impressive turning radius is also helpful for navigating obstacles. Maybe you need to trim the grass right next to a flower bed...without damaging the garden. Maybe you need to maneuver around boulders or pathways. Whatever the case, a zero turn mower can tackle these challenges with ease.

Which To Choose

Both mower styles can be a great match. But which one is the best match for you? It depends.

First, what's your grass height? Lawn tractors tend to handle higher grasses better.

Second, what's your property like? The more obstacles your land contains, the more you will want the agility of a zero-turn mower.

Third, what precision level do you need? Zero-turn mowers tend to offer the most precise cut, which is especially beneficial for those in the landscaping industry who want to really impress their clients.

Finally, what's your budget? Lawn tractors tend to be more affordable, which is great for those on a tighter budget. Remember that you can always purchase a used model to make the price point even lower.

Need more help deciding? Want to shop zero-turn mowers and lawn tractors for sale? The friendly staff at Atlantic Tractor are happy to help. Reach out today or stop by one of our many dealerships. We have locations in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland.